The Practice
Appointments | 01268 510520 Manage Appointments Online |
House Calls | 01268 510520 |
Results and enquiries | 01268 510520 |
Prescriptions | 01268 510520 Request Prescriptions Online |
Practice fax | 01268 684083 |
Community Staff
Health Visitors | 01268 366400 01268 366406 |
Other Services
South Essex Partnership Trust (SEPT) Community Healthcare | 0300 123 0808 |
Essex Healthwatch | 01376 572829 |
Dentist (Emergency) | 01268 464500 |
Bereavement – Cruse | 01702 710683 |
Local Hospitals
Southend Hospital | 01702 435555 |
Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals | 01268 524900 |
Orsett Hospital | 0845 155 3111 |
St Andrew’s Centre | 01277 626570 |
Helplines and Contact Numbers
Please note that helplines may operate different hours of service, not all are available every day or on a 24 hour basis. Also remember that some mobile phone service providers will charge for 0800 numbers.
Alcoholics Anonymous | 0845 7697555 |
Asthma UK | 0800 121 6244 |
British Allergy Foundation | 01322 619864 |
Carers Line | 0808 808 7777 |
Childline | 0800 11 11 |
Contact a Family | 0808 808 3555 |
Contraceptive Education Service | 0845 122 8690 |
Debt Support Trust | 0141 427 4554 |
Depression UK Information Line | 0870 774 4320 |
Drinkline | 0800 917 8282 |
Frank About Drugs | 0800 77 66 00 |
Gingerbread – One Parent Helpline | 0808 802 0925 |
Jacquelyn Wigs | 020 8211 8211 |
Learning Disability Helpline | 0808 808 1111 |
Miscarriage Association | 01924 200 799 |
Motor Neurone Disease Association | 08457 626262 |
National Blood Service | 0845 9090 999 |
NHS Stop Smoking | 0800 0224322 |
Organ Donor | 0300 123 2323 |
Pain Concern | 0844 499 4676 |
Parentline Plus | 0808 800 2222 |
Rape and Abuse Line | 0808 802 9999 |
Saneline | 0845 767 8000 |
Sexual Health Direct | 0845 310 1334 |
Samaritans | 08457 909090 |